These publications are included here just to facilitate downloads to those people asking for personal use copies. Some of this material is published at copyrighted journals or conference proceedings, so personal use of the download is required.
- Bonillo, C., Baldassarri, S., Marco, J., Cerezo, E.
Tackling developmental delays with therapeutic activities based on tangible tabletops
Universal Access in the Information Society, ISBN: 1615-5297
pp.1-17, 2017 - Pérez, J., Serón, F.J., Cerezo, E.
Combining Cognition and Emotion in Virtual Agents.
Kybernetes, ISSN: 0368-492X
Vol. 46(6) pp. 933-946, 2017. - Marco, J., Bonillo, C., Cerezo, E.
A Tangible Interactive Space Odyssey To Support Children Learning Of Computer Programing
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS 2017)
pp.17-20, 2017, Brighton, Reino Unido - Pérez, J., Yanet Sánchez, Serón F.J., Cerezo, E.
In: Beskow J., Peters C., Castellano G., O’Sullivan C., Leite I., Kopp S. (eds) Intelligent Virtual Agents. IVA 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10498. Springer, Cham
- Pérez, J., Cerezo, E., Serón, F.J., Rodríguez L.F.
A cognitive-affective architecture for ECAS [pdf]
Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, ISBN: 978-3-319-39512-8
Vol. 18, pp. 33-40, 2015 - Marco, J., Cerezo, E., Baldassarri, S.
Lowering the threshold and raising the ceiling of tangible expressiveness in hybrid board-games [pdf]
Multimedia Tools and Applications, ISSN: 1380-7501
Vol. 75(1) pp. 425-463, 2015 - Pérez, J., Cerezo, E., Serón
E-VOX: A Socially Enhanced Semantic ECA
International Workshop on Social learning and multimodal interaction for designing artificial agents (icmi 2016), Tokyo, Japan - Baldasarri, S., Marco, J., Bonillo, C., Cerezo, E., Beltrán, J.R.
Immertableapp: Interactive And Tangible Learning Music Environment
International Conference On Universal Access In Human-Computer Interaction (Hci International 2016)
Springer International Publishing, Isbn: 978-3-319-39512-8. Pp. 365-376 - Bonillo, C., Cerezo, E., Marco, J., Baldasarri, S.
Designing Therapeutic Activities Based On Tangible Interaction For Children With Developmental Delay
International Conference On Universal Access In Human-Computer Interaction (Hci International 2016)
Springer International Publishing, Isbn: 978-3-319-40237-6. Pp. 183-192, Toronto, Canada
- Bonillo, C., Cerezo E., Marco, J., Baldasarri, S.
Diseño de actividades de mejora de capacidades cognitivas para tabletops tangibles [pdf]
Revista Novática
Vol. 235 pp. 17-22, 2015 - Marco J, Cerezo E., Baldassarri S.
Innovative interfaces for Serious Games
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Serious Games, ISSN: 2034-8800
Vol 2, 15 (6) e5, pp. 17-48, 2015 - Cerezo, E., Marco, J., Baldassarri, S.
Hybrid Games: Designing Tangible Interfaces for Very Young Children and Children with Special Needs
In: Nijholt A. (eds) More Playful User Interfaces. Gaming Media and Social Effects.
pp.17-48, 2015, Springer, Singapore - Baldassarri S., Hupont I., Abadia D., Cerezo E.
Affective-aware tutoring platform for interactive digital television [pdf]
Multimedia Tools and Applications
Vol. 74(9), pp. 3183-3206, 2015 - Hupont I., Ballano S., Cerezo E., Baldassarri S.
From a Discrete Perspective of Emotions to Continuous, Dynamic and Multimodal Affect Sensing
Emotion Recognition: A Pattern Analysis Approach (eds A. Konar and A. Chakraborty), John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
pp. 461-491, 2015, Hoboken, NJ, USA.
- Hupont I., Cerezo E., Baldassarri S.
Hacia una representación avanzada del afecto humano para la investigación en calidad de experiencia de usuario
Faz, Revista de Diseño de Interacción, ISSN 0718-526X
Vol. 7 , p.p 120-132, 2014 - Marco J., Cerezo E., Baldassarri S.
Interfaces innovadoras para juegos serios
Revista Novática ISSN: 0211-2124
Volumen 230, 2014 Monografía: Juegos serios: Aprender jugando - Hupont I., Cerezo E., Baldassarri S., Del-Hoyo R.
Emotracking Digital Art
Human –Computer Interaction, Hcii 2014
Creta, Grecia - Baldassarri S., Marco J., Cerezo E., Moreno L.
Accessibility Evaluation Of An Alternative And Augmentative Communication (Aac) Tool
Human –Computer Interaction, Hcii 2014
Creta, Grecia - Baldassarri S., Marco J., García M., Cerezo E.
Araboard: A Multiplatform Alternative And Augmentative Communication Tool [pdf]
Dsai’2013:5th International Conference On Software Development And Technologies For Enhancing Accessibility And Fighting Info-Exclusion.
Procedia Computer Science Vol 27 (2014), Pp. 197 – 206, Vigo, España
- Hupont I., Baldassarri, S., Cerezo, E.,
Facial emotional classification: from a discrete perspective to a continuous emotional space [pdf]
Pattern Analysis and Applications
Vol. 16 (1), pp. 41-54, 2013 - Marco, J., Cerezo, E., Baldassarri, S.
Bringing tabletop technology to all: evaluating a tangible farm game with kindergarten and special needs children [pdf]
Revista Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
Vol. 17(8), pp. 1577-1591, 2013 - Garrido P., Sanchez A., Martinez F.J., Baldassarri S., Cerezo E., Seron F. J.
Using 3D Virtual Agents to Improve the Autonomy and Quality of Life of Elderly People
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing,
Vol. 219, pp. 129-136, 2013, Springer, 978-3-319-00565-2 - Marco, J., Baldassarri, S., Cerezo, E.
NIKVision: Developing a Tangible Application for and with Children [pdf]
Revista Journal of Universal Computer Science, ISSN: 0948-695X
Vo. 19(15), pp. 2266-2291, 2013 - Gil R., Marco, J., Gonzalez J.L.,., Cerezo, E., Baldassarri, S
Toolkits de desarrollo de interfaces tangibles: Criterios de calidad en uso
Revista Novática
Vol. 226, pp. 19-23, 2013 - Marco J., Cerezo E.,Baldassarri S.
The Toyvision Toolkit For Tangible Games
Ace’2013:10th International Conference On Advances In Computer Entertainment Technology
Holanda, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2013 - Cerezo E., Marco J., Baldassarri S.
How To Make Tangible Games And Not Die In The Attempt
Ace’2013:10th International Conference On Advances Ib Computer Entertainment Technology
Universidad Twente, Holanda , Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2013 - Gil, R., Marco, J., González, J.L., Cerezo, E., Baldassarri, S.
Evaluación de la Calidad Interactiva en Toolkits de Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Tangibles
Proceedings of the XIV Congreso Internacional Interacción Persona – Ordenador
(Madrid, Spain), Interacción 2013 - Marco, J., Baldassarri, S., Cerezo, E.
ToyVision: A Toolkit to Support the Creation of Innovative Board-Games with Tangible Interaction [pdf]
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction
(Barcelona, Spain), TEI 2013 - Marco, J., Oakley, I., Cerezo, E., Baldassarri, S.
Designing and Making a Tangible Tabletop Game with ToyVision [pdf]
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction
(Barcelona, Spain), TEI 2013 - Hupont I., Baldassarri S., Cerezo E., Del-Hoyo R.
Advanced Human Affect Visualization
2013 Ieee International Conference On Systems, Man, And Cybernetics (Smc2013)
Manchester, Reino Unido - Sanz C., Guisen A., De Giusti A., Baldassarri S., Marco J., Cerezo E
Games As Educational Strategy: A Case Of Tangible Interaction For Users Of Alternative And Augmentative Communication
The 2013 International Conference On Collaboration Technologies And Systems (Cts 2013)
San Diego, California (Usa) - Hupont I., Baldassarri S., Cerezo E., Del-Hoyo R.
The Emotracker: Visualization Contents, Gaze And Emotions At A Glance
5th International Workshop On Affective Interaction In Natural Environments (Affine) In The 2013 Humaine Association Conference On Affective Computing And Intelligent Interaction
Ginebra, Suiza
- Isabelle Hupont, Erik Cambria , Eva Cerezo, Amir Hussain, Sandra Baldassarri
Sentic Maxine: Multimodal Affective Fusion and Emotional Pahts
Advances in Neural Networks, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Vol. 7368, pp. 555 -565, 2012, Springer-Verlag , Berlin Heidelberg - Marco, J., Cerezo, E., Baldassarri, S.
Tangible Interaction and Tabletops: New Horizons for Children’s Games [pdf]
International Journal of Arts and Technology (IJART)
vol. 5 (2/3/4), pp. 151-176, 2012. - Marco, J., Baldassarri, S., Cerezo, E
Experiencias de uso de tecnologías multimodales y tangibles con niños de Educación Especial [pdf]
Buenas prácticas de accesibilidad en videojuegos, ISBN: 978-84-8446-135-7
pp. 185-190, ed. IMSERSO, 2012. - Marco, J., Cerezo, E., Baldassarri, S.
Modelado de Controles Tangibles para Juegos con ToyVision [pdf]
Proceedings of the XIII Congreso Internacional Interacción Persona – Ordenador
(Elche, Spain, October 2012). INTERACCIÓN 2012. - Marco, J., Cerezo, E., Baldassarri, S.
ToyVision: A Toolkit for Prototyping Tabletop Tangible Games [pdf]
Proceedings of the 4TH ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS 2012)
Copenhagen, Denmark, 2012. - Cerezo E., Baldassarri S., Marco J.
Experiencias de uso de tecnologías multimodales y tangibles en educación
I Congreso Internacional de Videojuegos y Educación, ISBN: 978-84-938436-6-3. pp. 160 – 176, L’Alfàs del Pi (Alicante), España, CIVE 2012. - Marco, J., Cerezo, E., Baldassarri, S.
Bringing tabletop technology to all: evaluating a tangible farm game with kindergarten and special needs
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 2012. - Marco J., Cerezo E., Baldassarri, S.
Toyvision: A Toolkit For Prototyping Tabletop Tangible Games
4th Acm Sigchi Symposium On Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (Eics 2012)
Copenhage , Dinamarca - Loscertales A., Cerezo E., Creatura M., González J.L., Minguez J., GIL R., Baldassarri S., López Y.
Proyecto NEUROGAME: Evaluación multimodal de Videojuegos [pdf]
Proceedings of the XIII Congreso Internacional Interacción Persona – Ordenador
Elche, Spain, INTERACCIÓN 2012 - E. Cerezo, I. Hupont, S. Baldassarri
Emotional Facial Sensing and Multimodal Fusion in a Continuous 2D Affective Space [pdf]
Journal on Ambient intelligence and Humanized Computing
vol 3(1), pp. 31-46, 2012
- Marco, J., Baldassarri, S., Cerezo, E., Xu, Y., Read, J.C.
Lifelong Interactions. Let The Experts Talk: An Experience Of Tangible Game Design With Children [pdf]
ACM Interactions vol.17(1), pp. 58-61, 2010 - Marco, J., Baldassarri, S., Cerezo, E.
Bridging The Gap Between Children And Tabletop Designers [pdf]
In Proceedings of the 9th international Conference on interaction Design and Children
(Barcelona, Spain, June 09-12, 2010). IDC ‘10. - Marco, J., Baldassarri, S., Cerezo, E.
Playing With Toys On A Tabletop Active Surface [pdf]
In Proceedings of the9th international Conference on interaction Design and Children
(Barcelona, Spain, June 09-12, 2010). IDC ‘10
- Marco, J., Cerezo, E., Baldassarri, S., Mazzone, E., Read, J.C.
Bringing Tabletop Technologies To Kindergarten Children
In Proceedings of the BCS Conference on Human-Computer Interaction [pdf]
(Cambridge University, UK, 2009) - Marco, J., Cerezo, E., Baldassarri, S.
Evaluating A Tangible Game Video Console For Kids [pdf]
In Proceedings of the 12th IFIP TC13 Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, VOL 5726/2009, ISBN978-3-642-03654-5, PP.141-144
(Uppsala, Sweden, 2009).Interact’09 - Marco, J., Cerezo, E., Baldassarri, S., Mazzone, E., Read, J.C.
User-Oriented Design And Tangible Interaction For Kindergarten Children [pdf]
In Proceedings of the 8th international Conference on interaction Design and Children
(Como, Italy, 2009). IDC ‘10
- Marco J., Cerezo E., Baldassarri S.
NikVision: Desarrollo de Videojuegos basados en Interfaces Naturales [pdf]
Proceedings of the XVIII Congreso Español de Ingeniería Gráfica (CEIG2008)
Editors:L. Matey and J. C. Torres
(Barcelona, Spain, Sept. 3-5, 2008) - Marco, J., Cerezo, E., Baldassarri, S.
NIKVision. Natural Interaction For Kids [pdf]
Proceedings of the IADIS Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Systems. International Conference Interfaces and Human-Computer Interaction
(Amsterdam, Holland, 2008)
- Marco, J., Cerezo, E., Baldassarri, S.
Desarrollo de Interfaces Naturales para Aplicaciones Educativas Dirigidas a Niños [pdf]
Proceedings of the VIII Congreso de Interacción Persona-Ordenador
(Zaragoza, Spain, Sept. 11-14, 2007). AIPO 07