
Hello! I am Ibón Guillén, a researcher in computer graphics who currently works as a Interim Professor at the Computer Science Department at Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain).

My work revolves around using computers to generate pretty, realistic images, building physically-based models and making sure they are computationally tractable. In some ocasions I work the other way around, and starting from real images I try to formulate models that explain the proccesses by which they were formed. My research got me a PhD on Computer Science under the supervision of Dr. Adrián Jarabo and Prof. Diego Gutiérrez.


A General Framework for Pearlescent Materials Ibón Guillén, Julio Marco, Diego Gutierrez, Wenzel Jakob, Adrian Jarabo ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 39(6), 2020 (SIGGRAPH Asia 2020) web pdf Bibtex Non-Line-of-Sight Imaging using Phasor Field Virtual Wave Optics Xiaochun Liu, Ibón Guillén, Marco La Manna, Ji Hyun Nam, Syed Azer Reza, Toan Huu Le, Adrian Jarabo, Diego Gutierrez, Andreas Velten Nature, Vol. 572, 2019 web pdf supplemental Bibtex Progressive Transient Photon Beams Julio Marco, Ibón Guillén, Wojciech Jarosz, Diego Gutierrez, Adrian Jarabo Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 38(6), 2018 (EGSR 2019) web pdf Bibtex Area-Preserving Parameterizations for Spherical Ellipses Ibón Guillén, Carlos Ureña, Alan King, Marcos Fajardo, Iliyan Georgiev, Jorge López-Moreno, Adrian Jarabo Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 36(4), 2017 (EGSR 2017) web pdf slides supplemental code Bibtex


Sep. 2022 - Present Interim Professor
Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain)
Mar. 2022 - Jun. 2022 Temporary Professor
Centro Universitario de la Defensa (Zaragoza, Spain)
Mar. 2019 - Jun. 2019 Visiting Researcher at Realistic Graphics Lab (RGL)
Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland)
Mar. 2017 - Jun. 2021 Doctor of Philosophy - PhD at Graphics and Imaging Lab (GiLab)
Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain)
Sep. 2015 - Dec. 2016 Master Degree on Computer Graphics, Videogames and Virtual Reality
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Spain)
Sep. 2010 - Dec. 2014 Degree on Computer Engineering
Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain)


Email ibon (𝖺t) unizar.es Address Dpto. Informática e Ing. de Sistemas. D 0.05.
C/ María de Luna, 1. Ed. Ada Byron.
50018 - Zaragoza
Phone (+34) 876 55 50 78