Full Professor, Computer Science Department, Universidad de Zaragoza.
Founder and Director, Graphics & Imaging Lab (I3A Institute).
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Short biography: I'm a Full Professor in the Computer Science Department at Universidad de Zaragoza,
where I lead the Graphics & Imaging Lab of the I3A Institute.
I'm also a member of the Vision, Image and Neurodevelopment Group of the IIS Aragon Institute.
I'm the recipient of the 2022 Eurographics Outstanding Technical Contributions Award.
My research focuses on the areas of rendering (simulation of light transport), computational imaging, perception, and virtual reality.
I have been a visiting researcher at MIT, Stanford, Yale and UCSD, among others, and was recently selected as one of the 100 most influential researchers of the decade in his field.
For more information about research, my team, news, press, and more,
please visit our group website: graphics.unizar.es
But wait, there is more! I have recently also written a novel (in Spanish), La mansión del acantilado.
You can buy it from amazon in this link.

Research topics
· Light transport:
We develop algorithms for physically-based simulation of light transport for computer graphics, to render photorealistic images.
This includes also transient rendering, where the speed of light can no longer be assumed to be infinite, with vast applications in computational imaging.
· Computational imaging:
We especialize in non-line-of-sight imaging, trying to observe and reconstruct scenes hidden from the viewer (this is popularly known as "looking around corners").
Together with Andreas Velten from UW, we developed the phasor fields framework, which has the potential to turn walls into virtual cameras.
· Virtual reality:
Our work in virtual reality pursues understanding and modeling user behaviour in virtual environments.
This includes saliency prediction, modeling of multimodal perception, or the exploration of cinematography in VR, among other topics.
· Modeling and perception of appearance:
Our goal is finding appearance representations that correlate well with human perception and are intuitive to manipulate and edit by users.
With this goal in mind, we work on the design of material appearance metrics, intuitive control spaces for editing, and applications such as gamut mapping.
· Applied perception and visual function:
Our work leverages insights from how the human visual works and computational models of perception to improve algorithms and techniques in graphics and vision.
In addition to this, we work on the evaluation of the visual function and the diagnosis of visual defects in non-collaborative patients (see our start-up DIVE Medical).