all: @echo Use: make nombre_de_programa include $(ORACLE_HOME)/precomp/lib/ # # The target 'build' puts together an executable $(EXE) from the .o files # in $(OBJS) and the libraries in $(PROLDLIBS). It is used to build the # c sample programs. The rules to make .o files from .c and .pc files are # later in this file. # ($(PROLDLIBS) includes the client shared library, and $(STATICPROLDLIBS) does # not.) # # # Here are some rules for converting .pc -> .c -> .o and for .typ -> .h. # # If proc needs to find .h files, it should find the same .h files that the # c compiler finds. We use a macro named INCLUDE to hadle that. The general # format of the INCLUDE macro is # INCLUDE= $(I_SYM)dir1 $(I_SYM)dir2 ... # .SUFFIXES: .pc .c .o .typ .h .pc.c: $(PROC) $(PROCFLAGS) iname=$< .c.o: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< .o: $(CC) -o $@ $< -L$(LIBHOME) $(PROLDLIBS) .pc.o: $(PROC) $(PROCFLAGS) iname=$< $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $(<:.pc=.c) .pc: $(PROC) $(PROCFLAGS) iname=$< $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $(<:.pc=.c) $(CC) -o $@ $(<:.pc=.o) -L$(LIBHOME) $(PROLDLIBS) clean: rm -f *.c *.o core # # The macro definition fill in some details or override some defaults from # other files. # OTTFLAGS=$(PCCFLAGS) CLIBS= $(TTLIBS_QA) $(LDLIBS) PRODUCT_LIBHOME= MAKEFILE=$(ORACLE_HOME)/precomp/demo/proc/ PROCPLSFLAGS= sqlcheck=full userid=$(USERID) PROCPPFLAGS= code=cpp $(CPLUS_SYS_INCLUDE) USERID=scott/tiger NETWORKHOME=$(ORACLE_HOME)/network/ PLSQLHOME=$(ORACLE_HOME)/plsql/ INCLUDE=$(I_SYM). $(I_SYM)$(PRECOMPHOME)public $(I_SYM)$(RDBMSHOME)public $(I_SYM)$(RDBMSHOME)demo $(I_SYM)$(PLSQLHOME)public $(I_SYM)$(NETWORKHOME)public