@ARTIST: Gretchen Phillips & Sara Hickman ( Two Nice Girls ) @SONG: I spent my last $10.00 When I was a young girl Like normal girls do I looked to a woman's love To help get me through I never needed any more Than a feminine touch I hated the thought of kissing a man It really was too much. I did not drink, I did not smoke I did not say goddamn I was polite, I was sensitive Before I loved a man My family, they were proud of me Proud of what I am And then along came Lester And my tale of woe began. (chorus) I spent my last ten dollars On birth control and beer My life was so much simpler When I was sober and queer But the love of a strong, hairy man Has turned my head I fear, and made me spend my last ten bucks On birth control and beer. It was June of 1983 When Mary Lou and I did part She said she loved another dyke My god it broke my heart I was bitter and disillusioned To lose another girl friend Then Lester came to work at Papa's store And decided to ease on in... Before that last heartbreak Nothing made me more sick Than a hairy chested cheap double-breasted Suited man with a hard dick I guess I was curious, I guess I was young I guess it was that run and coke I guess that I was dumb. (chorus) For of course, for a woman to love a man She must also love to booze If a woman don't drink beside her man Then she will surely lose him As I sit in this hetero honky tonk And reflect upon my past I think about those girlfriends And why they did not last. For there's certain thrills that lesbian love Simply cannot supply Like paying for abortions From sperm gone awry And so I say to you my friends Without this man I'd die So listen to my tale of woe and Hang your head and cry