@ARTICLE{Masia09, author = {Masia, Belen and Agustin, Sandra and Fleming, Roland W. and Sorkine, Olga and Gutierrez, Diego}, title = {Evaluation of Reverse Tone Mapping Through Varying Exposure Conditions}, journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. of SIGGRAPH Asia)}, year = {2009}, volume = {28}, number = {5}, pages = {160:1--160:8}, } @techreport{Masia11, author = {Masia, Belen and Gutierrez, Diego}, title = {Multilinear Regression for Gamma Expansion of Overexposed Content}, institution = {Universidad de Zaragoza (Technical Report RR-03-11)}, year = {2011}, month = {July} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Masia10, author = {Masia, Belen and Fleming, Roland W. and Sorkine, Olga and Gutierrez, Diego}, title = {Selective Reverse Tone Mapping}, booktitle = {Congreso Espa\~{n}ol de Informatica Grafica}, year = {2010}, publisher = {Eurographics} pages = {}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Martin08, author = {Martin, Miguel and Fleming, Roland W. and Sorkine, Olga and Gutierrez, Diego}, title = {Understanding Exposure for Reverse Tone Mapping}, booktitle = {Congreso Espa\~{n}ol de Informatica Grafica}, year = {2008}, publisher = {Eurographics} pages = {189--198}, }